Musical Interaction
Schober, Michael F. (2014). In Music in the social and behavioral sciences: An encyclopedia (pp. 96-101) [LINK] [request]
Healey, Patrick G. T.; Frauenberger, Chris; Oxley, Rachel; Schober, Michael F.; Welton, Martin. In CHI 2009 Workshop: Crowd Computer Interaction, Boston, MA, April, 2009. [LINK]
Vazan, Peter, & Schober, Michael F. (2004). Detecting and resolving metrical In Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Music Perception and Cognition. Evanston, IL. [LINK]
Healey, Patrick G. T.; Harris, Matthew T.; Schober, Michael F. (2022). Routledge companion to audiences and the performing arts (pp. 308-325) [LINK] [request]