Conceptual Misalignment

How often do we misunderstand each other without knowing it? How accurately do we understand each other's intentions--what our conversational partners really mean by the words they use, or the opinions their utterances reflect? And when does it matter if we aren't completely aligned--can misalignment be tolerable or even desirable?


Technology Mediated Communication

How are we affected by the new modes of interaction that we can now choose and switch between? What is synchronous interaction in person still best for, and when might we prefer or benefit from the distance or privacy allowed by other modes--texting, video, email, voice messaging, social media? How is interacting with an automated virtual partner different from interacting with a person?


Musical Interaction

What does it take for people to make music together? How is the back-and-forth of musical interaction like and unlike spoken dialogue? How similarly must musicians think to be able to collaborate successfully? How similarly do different listeners and audiences experience the same performance or recording?


New Kinds of Social Measurement

What can we learn from the digital and physical traces that people leave in the world--social media posts, logged behavior on their mobile devices, expenditure records, etc.--and to what extent can these traces complement what we learn from studying people's behavior more directly, in surveys or in the lab?
